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Omerta (The DeLuca Family #1) Page 16

  “What did you give him?” I asked.

  “GHB,” she said simply.

  “How in the hell did you get the date rape drug? You know what, I don’t even want to fucking know.”

  She continued for nearly an hour, detailing everything she had done to him with what could only be explained as glee in her eyes. She told me how she cleaned the room and the arrangement she had with her friend Mouse to erase the footage from the security cameras at the hotel. Although I would never admit it, I was impressed by her thoroughness and turned on by her ruthlessness. It was completely fucked up but I couldn’t help it. The thought of her torturing a man made me want to take her hard and fast.

  “Your turn,” she said breaking me out of my lust filled fantasy.

  “Well,” I cleared my throat, “As I said before, I was biding my time. Waiting for them to get into a position where I could take out all three simultaneously in order to minimize the blowback.” I said glaring at her, to which she rolled her eyes and motioned for me to continue. “They were being smart about it, all three of them never being in the same place at the same time. I couldn’t have eyes on them all the time, it would have been too obvious. They knew I was watching but I couldn’t let on to how much I knew. They have a meeting with the head of one of the larger street gangs on the west coast next week to discuss a long-term gun deal. Vitaly wouldn’t be there but both Ivan and Boris would, I was going to try to plan two separate attacks at the same time, one to get Vitaly in whatever hole he was hiding himself in, and the other to take out Ivan and Boris together.”

  “How did you know about the meet?”

  I smirked, “I know people.” She just glared at me. “Enzo’s cousin Eddie is high up in the gang. He’s been keeping us up to date.”

  She looked confused, “Why would he do that?”

  “Because he wanted to take over. Apparently the current leader of the gang is quite the bastard. In return for his cooperation we were going to take him out as well, making it look like a casualty from our attack on the Russians. Eddie would then take control and ensure no retaliation from the gang.”

  “You make it sound so simple.”

  “It is. Everybody wants something and you just have to find out what it is, figure out a way to use it to your advantage.”

  “And what do you want, Carlo?”

  “Right now?”

  She nodded, her eyes hooded and a sexy smile dancing across her face.

  “Right now, all I want is you.”

  I leaned forward bringing my hands to rest on either side of her face, guiding her towards me and slowly brushing my lips back and forth over hers. “I have a feeling all I’ll ever want is you.” I whispered before I took her mouth. It was slow and sensual, a complete contrast to every other time we were together.

  Instead of fireworks and explosions this was a slow burn, my heart rate steadily increasing as our kiss deepened. My tongue sliding over hers, for once not fighting for dominance. She melted into me, her hands glided across my shoulders and up to the back of my head. I traced every inch of her back with my hands, memorizing the feel of her, savoring her submission. She was giving me back control. I didn’t know how long it would last so I was going to take my time enjoying it. I rolled us until she was spread out beneath me. Settling between her thighs I lifted both of her hands above her head, pinning them there while I devoured her mouth.

  Breaking away I gave her a stern look, “Don’t fucking move your hands, understood?” She nodded, although from the dazed look in her eyes I doubt my words registered. Kissing a path down her throat I slowly made my way down her body, stopping to lick and suck at each of her breasts. When I grazed my teeth over one of her nipples, her back bowed off the bed and her hands went to the back of my head, holding me there. I released her tip with a pop and circled her wrists with my hands, firmly placing them over her head again.

  “Don’t make me tie you down,” I said in warning. At that, her eyes flared and I chuckled. “Not this time, baby.” She smiled at the term of endearment and relaxed back into the mattress.

  Continuing my path down her body I circled my tongue around her bellybutton causing her stomach muscles to tighten and her body to squirm. I smiled against her skin and lifted both of her legs over my shoulder as I sank further down the bed. I gently licked where her thigh met her body making her shiver. I could tell she was getting impatient by the way her hips were rolling, willing me to where she wanted me. I repeated the move on her other thigh and she let out a pained whimper. Settling myself I gripped her hips and brought her to my mouth, starting out slow, teasing her by alternating between soft flicks with the tip of my tongue over her clit and long laps over her lips.

  After a minute of my ministrations I had to forcibly hold her hips down while I licked and sucked my fill. Her breaths were coming out in shallow pants punctuated by long moans that I could feel all through her body. Letting go of one of her hips, I circled her entrance with two fingers, not giving her any more. This elicited a frustrated growl from her as she doubled her efforts pushing her hips forward roughly in an attempt to take my fingers deeper. I played with her for a few more minutes, changing up my movements whenever she started to get close to the edge. Without warning I plunged both fingers into her body and latched my mouth around her clit, she let out a startled scream that faded into a loud guttural moan.

  Curving my fingers inside her body to hit just the right spot, I increased the suction I had on her clit and flicked my tongue back and forth. It only took a few seconds for her entire body to start shaking so hard I nearly lost my grip on her hip. One more thrust of my fingers and swirl of my tongue sent her over the edge. Her muscles contracted sucking my fingers further into her body as I watched her come apart for me, her face looking pained and her mouth open in a soundless cry. It was magnificent, she was perfection. I continued to lap at her pussy while she came back down to earth. Climbing back up her body, I placed the two fingers I had in her body to her lips.

  “Suck,” I demanded and she immediately obeyed, sucking and licking them clean as I nuzzled her neck. “You taste yourself on my fingers? See how good you taste when I make you come?” She moaned as I replaced my fingers with my tongue, kissing her mouth the same way I had her pussy.

  Shifting back into the cradle of her hips I groaned as I pushed slowly into her, her body still spasming with the aftershocks of her orgasm. I took her slow and hard never breaking the connection of our mouths and running my hands over every inch of her body I could reach. Her breath caught as I increased my speed and the power behind my thrusts until we succumbed to our pleasure together, our mouths swallowing each other’s moans.

  Chapter 42


  I was floating in that post-orgasmic place between sleep and consciousness, my limbs tingly and sort of numb and my head fuzzy. As I came back down I replayed the last hour in my head. He had been all around me, completely consuming me. I couldn’t move an inch without feeling him somewhere. Sex had never been like that before, not with anybody and especially not with Carlo. We were always hot and heavy, in a frantic race for the finish line, constantly fighting for the upper hand.

  This time had been completely different. We wanted each other just as desperately as every time we came together, but this time I hadn’t fought him. He’d needed the reassurance of control after our conversation. I gave it to him willingly, my way of telling him that I was his and I wasn’t going anywhere. I had absolutely no intention of letting him keep it but I’d let him borrow it for a while.

  I felt a calmness blanket me as I snuggled closer to him, my head resting on his chest with an arm thrown over his stomach. His heart beat steadily under my cheek as I inhaled his scent, a mixture of expensive cologne and sex with a hint of sweat.

  God, I love the way he smells.

  “Are you sniffing me?” he asked and chuckled when I stilled at his question, his laughter causing my head to bounce on his hard chest.

  “No,” I r
eplied immediately.

  “Do I smell good?”

  “Yes,” I said, my voice muffled against his side as I hid my face in embarrassment over being caught.

  “And what do I smell like?” he asked, his words laced with a teasing tone that I didn’t entirely appreciate.

  “Like shit, you should take a shower.”

  Carlo’s loud laugh echoed throughout the room, “I call bullshit, if I smelled like shit you wouldn’t have had that dopey look on your face while you were sniffing me.”

  “Shut up.”

  “I’m just teasing you and you know it,” he said, brushing the hair off of my face and tracing his fingertips over my shoulder and down my side causing me to shiver.

  “Doesn’t make me want to kick your ass any less for laughing at me.” I said pulling away from him.

  Before I could get away he looped an arm around my middle and rolled us so I was pinned beneath him. I squirmed, trying to get away but he grabbed my arms and pinned them to the bed by my head. His strong thighs straddled my legs, rendering me immobile. I grunted and glared at him.

  “Baby, stop trying to pick a fight with me, it’s not going to work.”

  “Who said I was trying to pick a fight?”

  Carlo just cocked an eyebrow at me without saying a word.

  “Fine, I’m sorry.”

  “Not yet, but you will be.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means I’m still pissed about that vigilante shit.”

  “What do you plan to do about it?” My heart raced at the possibilities flitting through my mind. I hadn’t seen this side of Carlo in bed before tonight, but I had a feeling I could get addicted to it.

  “I’m going to spank that perfect ass, and you’re going to get a few more for trying to pick a fight with me right after sex.”

  “What the fuck?” I did not want that to sound as hot as it did, but I couldn’t help the slickness between my legs at his words.

  “You put yourself in danger and you scared the shit out of me. I’m going to spank your ass, then I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll still be feeling me tomorrow.”

  Goosebumps erupted across my skin, “Why?” I asked, my voice breathy. I was already panting and squeezing my thighs together.

  “Because you’re mine.”

  Chapter 43


  “I want Mouse here,” she said.

  “We’ll fly him in tomorrow,” I nodded, understanding where she was coming from. She needed someone she trusted, one of her people here. If she was going to stay behind she wanted to feel like she had some semblance of control over the situation. “I’m going to bring in Frankie as well. She knows our set up and she can help bring Mouse up to speed.”


  “My tech person, Francesca Delrossi. She’s been working for me for about five years. You’ve met her, she works out of the main office in the city.”

  “Francesca? The dragon lady Francesca?”

  I chuckled, “Yes, she’s a fucking genius. Plucked her up while she was still in college and she’s been working for me ever since.”

  “I’ve never actually met her. I heard about an intern that went down there once to get help with a tablet that kept freezing up and he came back nearly in tears, a grown man. You know they call her office the dungeon, right?”

  “She can be a little… hostile when she isn’t fully caffeinated.” I said, choosing my words carefully. “She doesn’t have much of a bedside manner.”

  “So what makes you think she’ll be able to work with Mouse?”

  “Frankie might not have much in the way of people skills but she is the best hacker on the west coast. I’m sure she’ll be much more cooperative when she has someone around that speaks her language.” At least I hoped she would be. Frankie had always been a bit of a handful, but she was the best and sometimes you have to deal with a little crazy if you want the genius that goes along with it.

  Mia rolled her eyes, “Anyways,” she said, switching directions. “The meet with Eddie’s gang and Kashnikov’s crew is two days away and Ivan still hasn’t made any changes to the plan?”

  “No, according to Eddie everything is a go exactly how it was planned.”

  “Don’t you find that odd? After Boris, wouldn’t he want to postpone the meet?”

  “Not really, if this deal goes through for them it will put their family in an even better position than they were three years ago when I ran them out of town. Probably doesn’t want to run the risk of spooking them.” I shrugged. “This is their foot in the door for the gun trade, not the small time stuff they’ve been dabbling in. This is the big time. We’re talking millions. Once word gets out that the Kashnikov’s are big enough players to support that kind of demand and offering it at a discounted price, we’re talking hundreds of millions. Ivan is smart enough not to take the chance of fucking this up over a potential threat. He still hasn’t given them the meeting place. He’ll call it in about an hour before the meet takes place. That’s about as much security as you can get in this business. It’s the move I’d make.”

  “I wish you’d let me go with you.”

  I sighed, “We’ve been over this Mia, and I’m not willing to risk putting you in that kind of situation. It’s too dangerous.”

  “What about you? I’m not willing to put you in danger. Why can’t you just send in a team to handle it and stay here with me?”

  “This is what I do. I’m not going to hide out while I send my men off to handle my business. Besides, it would just create a bigger target for others to try to do what the Kashnikov’s have done. I have to send a message. I have to show the world, our world, that I am not a man to be challenged.”

  “I hate this,” she said solemnly.

  “I know, baby, I hate it too. I’m sorry I ever put you in this kind of situation,” I groaned and scrubbed my hands over my face. “I should have just set you up in an apartment in the city until you went off to college. I never should have brought you into my world.”

  “What?” she gasped. When I looked up from my hands and saw the heartbroken look on her face, a feeling of dread washed over me.

  “Baby, no. I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Then how did you mean it, Carlo? Because it sounded like you were saying you regret our life together, it sounded like you were saying you wish you never knew me.”

  “No, no, no,” I rushed to say, “It’s not like that. I meant that I wish things were different, that you’re involvement with me didn’t put you in a position of constant potential danger. I know this isn’t the life you imagined for yourself. You deserve a life where you don’t have to look over your shoulder at every turn.”

  Her face softened, “I’d rather have to look over my shoulder with you by my side than not at all.”

  “Yeah, baby, me too. Which is why even though I know you deserve better I won’t let you leave me.”

  “I don’t ever want to leave you, Carlo. Even though you piss me off any chance you get, you’re everything to me. All I want is to be by your side. Wherever that takes us it will be worth it if we’re together.”

  Taking her face in my hands I kissed her softly and pulled back to look into her eyes, “I love you, Mia.” My voice rough with emotion as I spoke over the lump in my throat.

  Tears formed in her eyes and she smiled, “I love you too, Carlo.”

  I felt my world turn upside down with those three little whispered words. My life would never be the same. Instead of running away from the slightly panicked feeling in my chest, I embraced it, just as I embraced Mia.

  Chapter 44


  It was D-day. The past two days had flown by while we discussed strategy and made the necessary preparations for what would hopefully be the take down of the Kashnikov’s. Ten men, including Carlo, Angelo, Enzo, and Antonio, were getting ready to head down to Portland where the meet would take place. Eddie and his guys were down in Portl
and already and since Ivan wasn’t phoning in the actual location until an hour before they were supposed to meet we knew it would be somewhere in the Portland area. All the ranking members of the DeLuca Family had been called in to the estate, those that weren’t going with Carlo would remain with me awaiting their return.

  Mouse had arrived the day before, nervous and unsure. He tried not to show it, but the fear was written across his face. Carlo did his best to be pleasant towards my friend but no matter how he tried he couldn’t mask the aura of power and danger that seemed to emanate from him. I didn’t fault Mouse for being cautious of Carlo, I knew he was scary as shit to everyone but me.

  His trepidation didn’t last long when I showed him the control room where he would be spending most of his time. It was like watching a kid on Christmas morning the way he lit up when I opened the door to the large room. A giant L-shaped desk ran along two walls of the room. Two work stations were set up on the oversized desk and eight monitors hung above each of the stations. I couldn’t even pronounce the names most of the equipment in the room let alone identify it, but Mouse seemed to be in his element, eyes jumping around the room and his body practically vibrating with excitement. I had let him loose to play with his new toys and he had barely come up for food since, at least until Frankie showed up that morning.

  Frankie was nothing like I had imagined. She had barged into the control room that morning like a fucking Polly Pocket sized tornado, interrupting the quiet conversation Mouse and I had been having.

  “Who the fuck is he,” she asked at full volume, pointing to Mouse, “And why the fuck is he in my spot?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Mouse said standing quickly, “I’m Mouse.” He gave her a painfully awkward wave, and I had to stifle my laughter. Mouse was a lot of things but smooth wasn’t one of them.

  “That only answers my first question, now tell my why the fuck you are in my room and sitting in my spot,” she huffed, blowing a stray hair out of her face while simultaneously trying to maintain her hold on her computer bag and a case of Redbull.