Omerta (The DeLuca Family #1) Page 10
That fucker was going to pay.
“Yeah, I mean I get it. I know where he was coming from, I was eighteen. Way too young for Carlo, and I was away at college, it would have made things way too complicated.”
“Well, now you’re all grown up.”
“Yes I am, and I’m sick of waiting around for him to make a move that he will probably never make.”
I removed the headphones and shut down the computer. I had heard enough, in fact, I had heard too much. Women were fucking insane. I would have Angelo remove the bug tomorrow, and then it was my turn to make her squirm.
Chapter 22
Since I was taking the week off from work we decided to lounge around the pool for the entire day and soak up the last days of summer before Gina had to head back to Chicago. With the music blaring we were in our own little world, until around noon when Carlo decided to come pop our bubble. He strutted out to the patio wearing low slung swim trunks and from the look on his face he knew how good he looked.
“Mind if I join you ladies?” he practically purred.
Fuck! It had been too much last night, he was on to me. That voice was going to ruin me. I shifted in my lounger. Well, he didn’t know that I knew he knew.
Jesus this is getting complicated.
“Not at all, since you’re here, can you do my back?” I asked holding my bottle of lotion out in front of him.
I cannot believe I just went there, cliché, I know. But it wouldn’t be a cliché if it didn’t work.
“Of course, turn over,” his voice was rough. Shit, I was so turned on.
“Umm, it’s getting really hot out here, I’m going to go in for a bit,” Gina said as she raced into the house. Traitor.
I turned over to lay on my stomach. I was on one of the huge circular sunbeds that were more like a mattress than a pool lounger. Reaching up, I untied the knots at my neck and back.
“Tan lines,” I said softly.
“Mmm Hmm,” he murmured. Then, without warning he squeezed a glob of cold lotion on my back.
I squealed and my back bowed off the lounger, nearly exposing my chest.
“Shh, relax,” his voice was a cross between a grumble and a whisper, and it was coming from directly above me.
In my moment of shock he had climbed on top of me, straddling my hips on his knees. Slowly, ever so slowly, he started to rub the lotion into my skin. Goosebumps popped up all over my body. Even though it was in the nineties, a shiver ran through me. My heart was virtually beating out of my chest and I shifted to squeeze my thighs together in an attempt to get a little friction. He knew exactly what he was doing because as his hands travelled up my back to my shoulders he dropped his hips rubbing his erection slowly against my ass.
Fuck! I needed to do something quick. I let out a moan of approval and lifted my ass slightly so now I was the one rubbing against him, taking the upper hand.
He responded by sliding his hands down my sides and gently scraping his short nails across the sides of my breasts. Another moan escaped my lips, this time involuntarily. Damn it! He was winning. I didn’t have any more moves. I just had to wait him out, control my reactions and wait for him to cave. Yeah, easier said than done.
Chapter 23
I was fucking winning! I was also losing, because there was no way I could keep this up for any length of time and not give in. Doubling my efforts, I continued down her body, hoping like hell I could make her break before I did.
I slid lower down her body, if I kept rubbing against her ass I was going to lose it. Sitting on my haunches I grabbed some more lotion and started at her calves, rubbing in deep circles with my thumbs. Moving gradually up her thighs until I was just out of reach of where she wanted me. I had to swallow a growl when I caught sight of the damp crotch of her white bikini. I teased her with my thumbs, gliding them up her inner thighs and over where the curve of her ass met the top of her thighs. She stiffened under my ministrations.
I almost laughed in my moment of triumph. She was done for. I made two more passes along the same trail as before and on the last one she let out a whimper.
“Please,” she breathed.
“Please, what?” I asked, trying to sound innocent but it came out a hoarse whisper.
“Touch me,” she whispered, I could hear the defeat in her voice.
This was it, she was giving in and thank fuck because I was about two seconds away from embarrassing myself. I gave her what she wanted. On the next pass I slipped my thumbs under her bikini feeling how wet she was for me. She let out a loud moan and at the exact same moment I released an even louder growl.
Sitting up I flipped her over and covered her body with my own, swallowing her gasp of surprise as I took her mouth, hard. It was all tongues and teeth. I could feel her breasts pressed up against my chest, in my fervor I hadn’t taken the time to look my fill. There would be time for that later, right now was all about feeling and if I didn’t get inside her soon I was going to lose my fucking mind.
Gripping her ass I lifted her up and off the lounger, she wrapped her arms and legs around me tightly. Good, there was no way I was letting her go for even a second now that I had her. Using my peripheral vision since I wasn’t willing to stop kissing her, I made my way to the side entrance by my office. She was panting and rubbing herself against my stomach, soft mewling coming from her lips as she pressed her body harder against mine. I barreled through the door to my office. Swinging it closed, I slammed her back against the heavy wood door. It wasn’t a bed, but it would have to do for now.
I untwined her arms from around my neck and held them above her head with one hand as I used the other to untie the knots at her sides and remove her bikini bottoms. I needed to feel her, I needed to be inside her. Ripping the scrap of material away, I threw it blindly to the side. Her top had been abandoned on the lounger so she was completely bare to me.
I broke the kiss and looked down at her body as we caught our breath, her full breasts, the slight slope of her belly, and her perfectly bare pussy on full display for me. Another growl ripped through me and that seemed to set Mia off. She pulled her hands free of my grip and started pawing at my trunks, using the door and her position on my hips for leverage.
“Need to see you, fuck! Need you inside me now!” she panted as she finally got my shorts pulled down past my hips. She wrapped her small hand around my dick and my hips pitched forward of their own accord.
“Fuck, baby,” I moaned, “this is going to be hard and fast, we can go slow later…I…shit, I want….”
“Just fuck me, Carlo!” she practically screamed in my face as she guided me to her center.
With a roar I surged forward, impaling her with my cock. She screamed so loud my ears started ringing. Her nails dug into my back as my hands gripped her hips so hard I was sure she would have bruises the next day and slammed into her over and over.
She was so tight, God she was perfect. She screamed my name and arched her back. I caught one of her hard nipples in my mouth sucking hard and her response was instant. I could feel her orgasm ripping through her, milking my dick, coaxing me to come much too fast but I was so worked up I couldn’t stop the tingle that started at the base of my spine. I came with a brutal thrust and a shout of her name.
My knees were shaky so I sank to the ground, still cradling her limp body in my arms. We lay there with her on top of me letting our hearts slow back down to a normal rhythm. I was the first to break the silence.
“Fuck, Mia, I think I’m deaf.”
She giggled, burying her face in my chest, “Sorry,” her apology muffled.
“No need to be sorry baby, permanent hearing loss and a scarred back is a small price to pay for the best sex of my life.”
She peeked up at me, “Really?”
Was my feisty, beautiful Mia self-conscious? She had absolutely no reason to be.
I brushed her hair away and cupped her face, “Really.
Her small smile had my dick stirring to life again and I rolled her onto her back to show her just how serious I was.
Shit, this woman was going to kill me.
Chapter 24
“Elena?” I called out as I entered the empty kitchen, searching for her. When she didn’t appear I glanced at the clock on the wall, it was two o’clock on a Wednesday so she must be running errands. She would be home soon to start dinner but I’d skipped breakfast. My stomach rumbled as I made my way to the fridge in search of something to tide me over.
Pulling out the ingredients I started to fix myself a salad, one of the only things I could actually cook myself. When I was younger I was so focused on staying hidden I’d never hung out in the kitchen to watch my mother cook like so many other girls. After that I’d never really had the opportunity or desire to learn. Elena had handled all of the cooking when I’d moved here with Carlo. In college, well, I ate like a college student. Ramen noodles and take out were my main food groups.
As I assembled my snack I thought back over the past two months. My relationship with Carlo had progressed, in fact, he was sleeping in my room every night now. At my request we kept the new development in our relationship a secret from the men. I knew it wouldn’t last long. Carlo would put his foot down sooner or later, if we didn’t get caught before that. My excuses were wearing thin on his patience.
I had just began establishing myself in my new role in his business, I didn’t want people to think that I’d only gotten my job because I was sleeping with the boss. Also the men were starting to see me in a different light. I was finally starting to gain some respect. I’d noticed the men sat up straighter when I entered a room and seemed to actually listen when I spoke or gave instruction, not that our interaction was frequent, but still.
There was also the uncertainty of my relationship with Carlo to consider. We were still so new and I held on to some of my old insecurities. I wasn’t stupid, I knew he wanted me, but for how long? Carlo was a decade older than me, and while I had my fair share of life experience he had so much more. What if he got bored with me? Carlo had never had a serious relationship before. I constantly had to remind myself to keep a level head because when I was with him all reason flew straight out the window.
“Mmm, that looks good.” I jumped and whipped my head around coming face to face with a smirking Carlo.
“You scared the shit out of me.” I had been so lost in my thoughts I hadn’t heard him sneak up on me. He chuckled and moved behind me, snaking his arms around my waist and burying his face in my neck.
“What were you thinking so hard about that you didn’t hear me come in?”
“Nothing,” I said too quickly. He pulled back and inspected my face and I stared back. His brow was furrowed in concern causing a line to appear between his eyebrows. I trailed my gaze down his face. He had stubble on his cheeks, as if he’d forgotten to shave this morning. It was out of character for him, Carlo was always dressed and groomed to perfection. I liked it. “I was just daydreaming.”
His eyes cleared of worry and that sexy half smirk of his appeared. “Daydreaming, huh? About what?”
“Why didn’t you shave?” I asked, changing the subject.
“I must not be doing my job if you don’t remember.”
“What do you mean?”
“I had some company in the shower this morning and I was just a little distracted, forgot to shave.”
I grinned remembering that morning when I had snuck into the shower with him. Turning in his arms I reached up and placed a hand on each side of his face feeling the whiskers prickling my palms. “I like it, scruffy suits you.”
“Dully noted,” he said. Gripping my wrists he pulled my hands from his face and cradled them to his chest. His eyes got heavy and he leaned in closer as if to kiss me, but then his grip tightened and he rubbed his stubble against my cheeks. I squealed loudly and struggled to break free from his hold. Carlo laughed loudly, “How do you like it now?”
“Ugh!” I craned my neck, “Stop it!” I demanded, but my laughter drowned out my protests.
“Boss?” We both turned at the sound of Angelo’s voice and loud footfalls. I broke away from Carlo and took a few steps back just as Angelo rounded the corner into the kitchen.
“Is everything okay?” He asked.
“We’re fine.” Carlo gritted out, obviously annoyed we’d been interrupted.
“I’m making lunch, do you want some?” I asked, diverting Angelo’s attention.
“Uh, well,” he stammers, “I already ate.”
I narrow my eyes at him, “Bullshit.”
“Mia, come on. You burn ramen.”
“That was one time!”
“I’m good, I need to do rounds anyways. See you at dinner.” He says from over his shoulder as he hurries from the room.
“Unbelievable.” I shake my head and turn to Carlo but instead of sharing my frustration he’s silently laughing at me. I cover the short distance between us in two strides and smack his arm.
“You burnt ramen? How is that even possible?” he asks when he finally catches his breath.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
He just shook his head at me and kissed the top of my head before leaving in the same direction as Angelo.
Chapter 25
The hinges creaked as I pushed open the door to Mia’s room. We’d been playing this game for two months now and I was over it. Even though we tried to act normal in front of the others I think they were starting to catch on. Elena knew what was going on, she didn’t come right out and say it but the sidelong looks she gave us spoke volumes.
I understood Mia’s hesitation, I had my own concerns. Hell, I thought about it every day, but I was sick of hiding. I knew from the first moment my lips touched hers that what we had was different than anything I’d ever felt before. I wasn’t going to let her go so we were going to have to figure out a way to make it work. I was more afraid of losing her than I was of showing weakness and that realization scared the ever living shit out of me.
She wasn’t in the bedroom but I heard the water running in the bathroom so I headed that way. We were going to figure this out tonight, she would fight it but I was ready for that, Mia never gave in easily. I stopped, leaning against the doorframe and took her in. She stood in front of the mirror washing her face in nothing but her bra and panties. Mia didn’t wear much makeup normally, only getting done up when we went out or if she went into the office in the city. She didn’t need it, she was flawless just as she was. You don’t need to embellish perfection.
I was silent as I continued to watch her go through her nightly routine. I’d seen her do it before but there was something sensual about watching when she thought she was alone. Grabbing a bottle of lotion she sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi and began rubbing it into her long legs. When she was finished she stood up and walked back to the vanity, she still hadn’t spotted me. Reaching up she untied her long hair from the knot at the top of her head and let it fall down her back. She threaded her fingers through her hair and massaged her scalp and a soft moan tumbled from her lips.
I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to touch her. Moving into the room, I silently made my way behind her. This was my favorite spot in the world. Her back to my front, my arms wrapped around her. She gasped when I made contact and I smiled.
“Jesus, Carlo. You scared me!”
“Sorry.” I wasn’t sorry at all.
“That’s the second time you’ve snuck up on me today. What’s with all the lurking?”
“I was watching. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Because that’s not creepy at all.”
“I can’t help it, you fascinate me.” She went soft in my arms at my words. I loved it when she did that, it meant more than all the words in the world. It meant she trusted me. “Come on, I want to talk to you about something.”
“Uh, oh.”
“Relax, it’s not bad.” I said, guiding her into the bedroom. Once we were settled in bed, me on my back and her curled up at my side, I took a deep breath and started to outline my case. “I know you wanted to wait to tell everyone, but they’re already growing suspicious and Elena definitely knows something is up.”
She groaned, “Carlo—“
“No, hear me out. I know you’re worried about the men not respecting you but you’ve proven yourself time and time again. You’re good, you’ve already done so much in the short time since you took over for Nicky and they can all see it. I don’t want to sneak around in my own house anymore Mia, we’re both adults.”
“It’s not just that, I’m—I just need more time.”
I released a frustrated sigh, “For what?”
“I don’t know I just do. Give me another month, please.”
“I’ll give you a week.”
“Two weeks.”
“Fine.” I was frustrated but I would give her what she wanted. I had a feeling there was something else holding her back but if I pushed too hard I was afraid she would close me off altogether.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“For what?”
“For being patient with me.”
“I’d do just about anything for you, Mia.” And it was true, I would move heaven and earth to make her happy. I hadn’t told her I loved her, I did, but I was scared. I’d never said those words to anyone other than my mother and she’d left.
Chapter 26
“Mmm, fuck baby, that’s good,” Carlo groaned as his fingers sifted through my hair.
I was on my knees in front of him, suckling at the head of his cock. I had pounced on him the second he walked into my room, barely letting him close the door before I had his belt undone and was zipping down his fly. I opened my mouth wide and took as much of him in as I could, flicking the ridge on the underside of his dick with my tongue as pulled back and plunged down again. His hips jerked and his hands in my hair tightened just the way I liked it. I loved that Carlo lost control with me, he wasn’t gentle and he didn’t treat me as if I would break if he was too rough. He knew I could take whatever he wanted to give me and he knew I’d like it.